Episode 23

Published on:

8th Aug 2024

Changing Beliefs To Change Your Reality

In this episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of changing your mindset to manifest the life you truly desire. We'll explore how your beliefs shape your reality and how shifting them can unlock your potential.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Understanding Manifestation: Learn why your beliefs are the only real limitations you face and how changing them can change everything.
  • Movie Insights: Inspired by the film I Feel Pretty, we discuss how internal belief changes can dramatically alter your external reality.
  • Personal Stories: Melanie shares her own experiences in Belize, illustrating how perception and environment can shift your mindset.
  • Neuroscience Meets Woo-Woo: Discover how confirmation bias influences your experiences and how aligning your energy with your desires can attract positive outcomes.
  • Practical Strategies:
  • Belief Auditing: Identify and examine your current beliefs.
  • Cognitive Restructuring: Challenge and reframe limiting beliefs with contradicting evidence.
  • Creating Empowering Beliefs: Develop new beliefs that resonate with your truth and visualize living them daily.

Action Steps:

  1. Audit Your Beliefs: Take time to write down your beliefs about yourself and identify areas for change.
  2. Challenge and Reframe: Use cognitive restructuring to find evidence against your limiting beliefs.
  3. Embody the New: Craft and fully embody empowering beliefs, aligning your thoughts and actions with your aspirations.

Remember, changing your mind is more than positive thinking—it's about rewiring your neural pathways and aligning with your desired reality.

Contact Information:

Get free bonus content at: www.MelanieMishler.com

Instagram: @melanie.mishler


Introduction: The Power of Manifestation


Change Your Mind, Change Your Life


Beliefs Shape Our Reality


Personal Experience: Changing Beliefs in Belize


Neuroscience and Manifestation


Belief Auditing: Identifying Limiting Beliefs


Cognitive Restructuring: Finding Contradictory Evidence


Creating Empowering Beliefs for Manifestation


Embodying New Beliefs for Manifestation


Conclusion: Take Action and Manifest

Melanie (:

Hello my beautiful friend, happy Thursday and welcome back. Over the last few episodes we've been talking a lot about manifestation techniques and tips and I love talking about this because once you learn that you are a powerful creator and once you learn to take charge of your own mind then nothing is off limits for you. You're not limited by your past experiences, by your age, your family.

your upbringing, definitely not your parents, none of it. Your only limitation is your beliefs and your thoughts.

So the topic of this week's episode is change your mind, change your life. And when we're talking about manifesting something we want, whether it's reaching a goal or however you want to describe it, the one thing we always need to do is change our mind.

And I was thinking about this topic because while I was flying back from Belize this week, I watched the movie, I Feel Pretty while I was on the plane. Have you ever seen that movie? It's pretty funny. And the actress Amy Schumer plays a woman who's a little curvy,

And she has really low self -esteem and just not living her best life. And then she bonks her head really hard, passes out. And when she wakes up with a concussion, her belief about herself has totally changed. She looks in the mirror and she suddenly sees herself as beautiful, sexy, confident. Even though nothing physically changed on the outside, her complete belief had changed.

And then because of this, she has the confidence to go after her dream job. She falls in love. All these amazing things start happening because of her belief. And this movie, as silly as it might seem, actually illustrates a profound truth about manifestation and the power of our minds. You see, nothing in her external reality changed, but her internal reality, her beliefs shifted dramatically. And that, my friend, is where the magic always

happens. Now, I am not suggesting you go give yourself a concussion, but I am saying that this movie taps into a fundamental principle of manifestation and neuroscience,

which is our beliefs shape our reality. our reality. And I'll share a personal story.

And I'll share a personal real life experience because something very similar happens to me every time I go to Belize.

You see, in California, the land of beautiful, skinny people, I

I often feel like I'm just another middle -aged plus -size woman, but the second I step off the plane in Belize, I transform into a goddamn Belizean princess because in Belize, curvy women are celebrated. And so from the moment I walk off the plane, everything changes. Men open doors for me. They smile at me. They wave me through customs while Andy gets searched. And it's so funny, this happens.

every time. Andy's like, why don't you get search? Why don't you have to pay import tax? I'm like, they just wave me through. It happens every single time.

And then whenever we go out, Andy's constantly pointing out how men are just staring at me. Now, I know this might bother some women, but I fucking love it. And here's why. It's a powerful reminder that being sexy isn't about physical attributes. It's a matter of perspective, it's attitude. And since we spend so much time in Belize, I'm now accustomed to this and I can literally feel my energy shift.

My confidence, my attitude, my magnetism

change the moment I land in Belize. And this experience in Belize is kind of like my own personal I feel pretty moment because when I was watching that movie, I was laughing and really relating to what she was experiencing because nothing about my physical appearance changes when I land in Belize. But my entire experience shifts because of how I'm perceived. And now, more importantly, how I perceive myself in that environment. So this story perfectly illustrates our topic for today by

changing the context, in this case, literally changing countries, my mindset shifts. I feel more confident, more attractive, more powerful. And guess what? That change in my mindset affects everything. It affects how I carry myself. It affects how I interact with others and ultimately what I attract and manifest in my life.

And since you all know I'm equal parts woo woo neuroscience and strategy,

Let's break this down a bit. From a neuroscience perspective, our brains are constantly filtering out massive amounts of information that we receive every second, like billions of pieces of information every day.

And guess what decides, like what gets through that filter? Our beliefs. When we believe something about ourselves or believe something about the world, our brains go into action and look for evidence to support that belief. It's called confirmation bias. And it's a very powerful force in shaping our experiences. So if you believe you're not good enough, guess what?

Your brain is going to find all sorts of evidence to support that belief.

But if you believe you're fucking amazing, your brain will start noticing all the ways that that's true.

Now here's where the woo woo meets the science. In manifestation, we talk about aligning our energy with what we want to attract.

And energetically speaking, our beliefs are kind of like radio signals. We're constantly broadcasting them out to the universe.

So if you're broadcasting on the I'm not good enough frequency, you're going to attract more experiences that match that energy. But when you shift to the like, I'm a fucking goddess frequency,

then watch out because you start attracting on that frequency. But here's the million dollar question. How do we actually change our beliefs? Because let's be real, it's not as simple as bonking your head and waking up with a new mindset. This is where the strategy comes in. And I have some powerful techniques to share with you.

First up, it's something I call belief auditing. You know, I'm a fan of audits. I love time audits, thought audits, all the things.

And I love audits because awareness is the first key to change. We have to know what we're thinking. We have to know what we're believing before we can actually change it. And sometimes those beliefs are really subconscious. they're old. Sometimes we don't even know that we believe something. But if it keeps showing up in your life over and over, then there's a belief there somewhere in there that you might not be aware of.

So when you do a belief audit, you're gonna take some time to really examine your beliefs about yourself and especially in the one area of life that you wanna change. I want you to write them down, no matter how uncomfortable they might be. Awareness is always the first step to change. And then next, we're gonna use a technique called cognitive restructuring. Now that sounds like a big word, but it's super easy.

basically for each limiting belief that you've identified, I want you to find evidence that contradicts it. now it might be hard to find this evidence, but I promise it is there. Your brain is gonna resist this at first, but push through.

Remember that we're rewiring neural pathways here. So it takes some effort, it takes some practice, but stick with it. And then finally, we're gonna create new empowering beliefs. But here's the key, they need to feel true to you.

This is totally different than positive affirmations where you're just saying a bunch of shit that you don't believe.

when you create these new beliefs, for instance, if you currently believe that you're worthless or you're too old or whatever, you can't jump straight into like, I'm the most amazing person ever.

That's too big of a leap for your brain to buy into. It won't believe it and it will just spit it out. instead start with something like, I'm working on recognizing my worth every day. Now here's where the magic happens. Once you've crafted these new beliefs, you need to embody them. You need to feel them in your bones. You need to,

Visualize yourself living as if these beliefs are unquestionably true. This is where manifestation really takes off.

Because remember, changing your mind isn't about positive thinking, it's about rewiring your neural shifting your vibration and consistently aligning your thoughts, feelings and actions with the reality that you want to create. You can't just look in the mirror and affirmations while you have beliefs that don't align with that.

It's just a waste of time. So my beautiful friend,

I challenge you this week to start your own belief shift. Audit that was limiting beliefs, challenge them with evidence and create new empowering beliefs that set your heart on fucking fire. Because when you change your mind, you change your life. And when you change your life, you change the world.

Let me know how this goes. I'm always here to support you in this journey. can email me at hello at MelanieMischler .com. can DM me.

Go visit my website, MelanieMishler .com For tons more tools and content. Until next time, be well my friend and manifest epic shit.

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About the Podcast

Magnetic Creator
Manifest A Life That Sets Your Heart On Fire
Hello friend, welcome to the Magnetic Creator Podcast! I’m your host Melanie Mishler and my superpower is helping women remember who they truly are- POWERFUL, MAGICAL CREATORS!

I've developed and teach neuro-somatic manifesting. Science-backed tools to help you manifest what you want, get off the hamster wheel of life, step into your fullest potential, and create a life that sets your heart on FIRE!

I'm a manifestation teacher, energy worker, and trauma-informed somatic coach. And each week I bring you short snackable episodes 15 minutes or under. We’ll have intimate conversations about what’s most important in life: personal transformation, finding pleasure, embodying success, finding inner power and confidence, putting yourself first, creating a roadmap on how to live a fulfilling life, getting out of our own way, embodied transformation, and SO much more.

If you’ve dipped your toe into manifestation teachings in the past- my technique is a little different- I always say I'm equal parts of woo-woo neuroscience and strategy. And that's because I REALLY believe we need all three of these in order to create lasting and meaningful transformation In our lives.

Why? Because, you can do all the positive affirmations, vision boards, goal setting, and meditations in the world - But if you have underlying limiting self-beliefs that are playing like broken records in the background, then nothing is going to change.
At the same time you can be taking lots of action, and be really busy in DOING- but if you don't have a clear vision or roadmap to where you're going then you often end up like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast. SO FRUSTRATING. I help you break that cycle with practical, proven strategies, raw personal stories and lots of inspiration. I hope you'll join me!

Want (discounted) early access to my upcoming podcourse "Manifest!" ? Head over to my website to get on the email list!


About your host

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Melanie Mishler