Episode 30

Published on:

17th Oct 2024

Transform Your Life with One Simple Question

In this powerful episode, Melanie Mishler reveals a game-changing question that can revolutionize the quality of your life. Discover how asking yourself "How do I want to feel?" can unlock your full potential and help you manifest the life you truly desire.

Key Points:

• Understanding the true power of manifestation

• The impact of intentionally choosing your emotional state

• Incorporating this question into your daily routine

• Dealing with setbacks and the importance of self-compassion

Melanie shares personal examples and practical tips on how to use this simple yet profound question to transform various aspects of your life. Learn how to set intentions for different segments of your day, shift your perspective on challenging tasks, and approach self-evaluation with curiosity instead of judgment.

This episode is packed with actionable advice to help you step into your power and create lasting change. Don't miss out on this transformative tool that can help you manifest an epic life!

Get free bonus content at: www.MelanieMishler.com

Instagram: @melanie.mishler


Are you ready? Let's go. Hello, my beautiful friend. Welcome back and happy Thursday. Today, we're going to dive into a question that has the power to absolutely transform the quality of your life. Now, as you know, I'm equal parts woo woo neuroscience and strategy. So I love giving you practical tools and strategies that you can integrate into your life for rapid transformation.

's about helping you to step [:

But it's so much more than that. Manifestation is about realizing and understanding that you are the creator. You. You and you alone are the creator of your own experience. It's about understanding that you're in charge of how you show up in life. You're in charge of your thoughts, of your beliefs. And when you start to take charge of those, when you learn to shift and transform your thoughts and beliefs, you can literally transform your life.

. Are you ready? And it's so [:

Here it is. How do you want to feel? I know that's it. That's the whole question. How do you want to feel? So simple, but so powerful. And I'm going to share with you why I want you to start asking yourself this question every day, not just every day, but throughout every segment of the day. How do you want to feel today?

How do you want to feel in your meeting at work? How do you want to feel when you show up at date night with your partner? How do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning? How do you want to feel when you're with your children, when you lay in bed at night, when you're catching up with friends, even when you're doing things that you don't want to do?

which determine our results. [:

That's what's required the ability to hold focus and control thoughts is what's required to change our life. But when we start, it can be a little tricky because oftentimes it feels like thoughts are just happening to us. Like the asshole driving down the street is making me feel this way or making me think this way.

So that's why I teach starting out with the intention of how you want to feel. It's really a game changer. And I want you to remember the question isn't, how did you feel yesterday? How have you been feeling the last year or the last lifetime? The question is, how do you want to feel? How do you want to feel moving forward?

d love for you to spend some [:

Really let yourself experience that feeling in your imagination. I'm Because here's a secret, to create the results you want in your life, there has to be a shift inside your mind and inside your emotions first. Because the manifestation, or the external change, follows an internal change. It's really the result of your changed ideas and perceptions about yourself.

I learned this technique from Brendan Burchard, and it has been so powerful. I incorporate it now into my daily planning. So every morning I ask myself, how do I want to feel today? But I don't stop there. I take it a step further and I ask myself or try to remember to ask myself at the beginning of each, each segment.

For example, this [:

And for me, that's email. I used to do a It's by email and honestly, it's still my very least favorite task. But now I sit down before I tackle my inbox and I ask myself, how do I want to feel when I'm doing this? I can choose to feel overwhelmed, irritated, exhausted, but I find my life is a so much sweeter if I choose to feel productive and helpful and of service instead.

ems like the task is so much [:

Now let's be real because you know, I don't like to BS things. We won't always follow through perfectly with our intention. And that's not the point. We're human after all. So we're very often going to fall short. And I will be the first one to raise my hand and own this. While I try to make this a practice in my life, Just yesterday, literally yesterday, I set the intention for how I wanted to feel right before my therapy appointment with my husband.

spend time beating myself up [:

By setting the intention, I knew what my North Star was, I knew what I was aiming for, and then when I fell short, I could look back with insight and pinpoint where I got derailed. And here's something really, really important. If you practice this and things don't go as planned, as they often won't in life, It's crucial that you look back and evaluate like a scientist, not a judge.

I know you hear me say this a lot, but it's really important. I learned this from one of my coaches and it has been a really powerful tool, a really powerful way of looking at things without beating myself up. When you're looking back and you want to understand what went wrong, where the hiccup was, or how you got derailed, we don't want to approach it with shame and judgment.

s would examine some kind of [:

Because remember, the goal isn't perfection, it's progress and growth and understanding. And let's be real, we've all beat ourself up enough in this life. We don't need to keep doing that. It's just doesn't do anything. I know this seems simple because it is. You know, all the tools I like to give you are very practical and simple, yet they compound.

They all work together to create a life where you're not just going through the motions every day, but a life that really honestly and truly lights you up when you're excited to wake up to each day, one where you're present and engaged and fully alive. And I promise if you use these simple tools consistently, they will change your fucking life.

friend, that's it for today. [:

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About the Podcast

Magnetic Creator
Manifest A Life That Sets Your Heart On Fire
Hello friend, welcome to the Magnetic Creator Podcast! I’m your host Melanie Mishler and my superpower is helping women remember who they truly are- POWERFUL, MAGICAL CREATORS!

I share science-backed tools to help you manifest what you want, get off the hamster wheel of life, step into your fullest potential, and create a life that sets your heart on FIRE!

I'm a manifestation teacher, energy worker, and trauma-informed somatic coach. And each week I bring you short snackable episodes 15 minutes or under. We’ll have intimate conversations about what’s most important in life: personal transformation, finding pleasure, embodying success, finding inner power and confidence, putting yourself first, creating a roadmap on how to live a fulfilling life, getting out of our own way, embodied transformation, and SO much more.

If you’ve dipped your toe into manifestation teachings in the past- my technique is a little different- I always say I'm equal parts of woo-woo neuroscience and strategy. And that's because I REALLY believe we need all three of these in order to create lasting and meaningful transformation In our lives.

Why? Because, you can do all the positive affirmations, vision boards, goal setting, and meditations in the world - But if you have underlying limiting self-beliefs that are playing like broken records in the background, then nothing is going to change.
At the same time you can be taking lots of action, and be really busy in DOING- but if you don't have a clear vision or roadmap to where you're going then you often end up like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast. SO FRUSTRATING. I help you break that cycle with practical, proven strategies, raw personal stories and lots of inspiration. I hope you'll join me!

Want (discounted) early access to my upcoming podcourse "Manifest!" ? Head over to my website to get on the email list!


About your host

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Melanie Mishler