Episode 29

Published on:

10th Oct 2024

The Power of Focused Attention | Understanding the Magnifying Glass Effect

In today's episode, we’re talking about the magnifying glass effect, and how your sharply sustained focus can supercharge your manifesting power.  If you've ever felt like you're doing everything right but your dreams still seem out of reach, this episode is for you.

Here's the truth: Manifestation isn't just about positive thinking and vision boards. It's about aligning your mindset, actions, and strategies. We're breaking it down using a powerful blend of neuroscience, practical action steps, and visioning techniques that actually work.

Are you ready to break free from the hamster wheel and start creating real, lasting change? This episode is your roadmap to transforming from feeling stuck to becoming a manifestation powerhouse. It's time to unlock your full potential and manifest the life you truly deserve.

Don't let another day go by feeling unfulfilled or like something's missing. Tune in now, and let's start manifesting an fucking epic life!


Are you ready? Let's go. Hello, my beautiful friend, happy Thursday, and welcome back. In today's episode, we're going to talk about the power of focusing attention, and how when you focus your attention, you can supercharge your manifestations. Now, this is important because honestly, a Over the last 20 years, our attention has become one of our most valuable and yet sadly, one of our most scarce resources.

You know, I love analogies. [:

The focus light becomes intense, it concentrates, it becomes very, very powerful. And if you hold it long enough on a piece of paper or a dried leaf, Then it will burst into flames. I'm sure you've done this as a child. I think we've all done this experiment in school. And this my friend is exactly what happens with our attention when we're manifesting.

ital world, our attention is [:

We're constantly distracted with notifications, pings on our phone, ads, worries, all the things on our to do list. So when we live our life this way, we're like that magnifying glass, just moving around erratically. It's frustrating. There's energy there, but it's completely diffused. It lacks intention and power, but here's the good thing.

When we learn to focus our attention, it to truly, truly concentrate our desires and hold them steadily, steadily in our imagination. That's when we start to create real change in our lives. Because, just like that focused sunbeam can start a fire, our focused attention can make major transformations in our reality.

is powerful, just like that [:

So I'm never going to talk about brain science or woo woo without giving you practical tools to actually make a difference in your life. Okay. So I'm going to break it down into three key areas. The first is sharpening your attention. The second is clarifying your imagination. And this third is maintaining your focus.

ck to your breath The simple [:

That means turning off your cell phone and Getting the dings off. They're not being distracted by anything. Then when the timer goes off take a five minute break Now this trains your brain to concentrate deeply for sustained periods of time and this is really great, especially for work So I know a lot of people, you know, they'll start one thing and then they get distracted by something and it's like ooh butterfly So, this is a really great way to get a lot of stuff done quickly.

kly we can focus it into the [:

And imagine your desired outcome in as much detail as possible. And when I say detail, I'm talking about sensory detail. What does it look like? What does it feel like? What can you hear, smell, and taste? The more you engage your senses, the more real it becomes in your subconscious mind. Like I always tell you, engage your senses, all of them, and imagine yourself in that desired outcome.

Don't think about it. Just do it. Imagine yourself in it. Okay. Lastly is maintaining your focus. And this is where so many people struggle because again, we live in this world that's designed to fracture our attention. It's designed to pull our attention everywhere. So we really need to be intentional about protecting our focus.

tting boundaries around your [:

So I encourage you to go check it out. Um, I'll drop it in the show notes, so you don't have to go search for it. Okay, so remember, just like holding that magnifying glass steady takes practice, maintaining your focus is really a skill that you have to develop over time. Be patient with yourself, but also be consistent.

This is where it really helps to work one on one with someone. So if you need help with this, Please reach out to me. You can set up a free consult right on my website. Okay, real quick before we move on, I want to address something really crucial because very often we find ourself inadvertently focusing our attention on the wrong thing.

n't want. And I know that we [:

And I'm the first one to tell you, it is so easy to fall into this trap. We think we're being productive. But in reality, we're really misdirecting our power in our attention. Remember where your attention goes, energy flows. So when we focus on the negative aspects of our situation or we get lost in like overwhelming details, then we're essentially manifesting more of what we don't want.

I equate it to using your magnifying glass and just starting little fires everywhere on accident. Well, where we want to focus energy, just. Stay in the shade. And I do talk about this a lot more in the episode on manifestation loops. So I will also link that one in show notes because that's a really good one.

keep getting the same thing [:

Once you've. Received what you want once you've reached that goal, all of those good things. Now, this does not mean burying your head in the sand. It's all about maintaining a very clear vision of our goal or what we want to manifest as we work towards it. And when we do this, when we sustain our focus, it will create inspired action, synchronicity, and so many magical things will happen.

the fire to ignite. The same [:

And the real beauty of this practice is that it compounds. It's kind of like going to the gym. As you strengthen your ability to focus, you'll find that your manifestations come faster and more powerfully. You'll find that the more you strengthen your focus, the easier it is to maintain. Because you are literally rewiring your brain.

So my friend, I challenge you this week to pay really close attention to your attention. I know that sounds funny, but notice where it wanders. Practice bringing it back to your desires and hold it steady. Let it go. Like a magnifying glass on what you want. Remember, you are the creator of your own experience.

my website, Melanie Mishler. [:

I have an amazing 12 week transformation program where I work with you one on one to create the beautiful life that you deserve. Okay, my friend, until next week, take care. Be well and keep manifesting an amazing fucking life.

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About the Podcast

Magnetic Creator
Manifest A Life That Sets Your Heart On Fire
Hello friend, welcome to the Magnetic Creator Podcast! I’m your host Melanie Mishler and my superpower is helping women remember who they truly are- POWERFUL, MAGICAL CREATORS!

I share science-backed tools to help you manifest what you want, get off the hamster wheel of life, step into your fullest potential, and create a life that sets your heart on FIRE!

I'm a manifestation teacher, energy worker, and trauma-informed somatic coach. And each week I bring you short snackable episodes 15 minutes or under. We’ll have intimate conversations about what’s most important in life: personal transformation, finding pleasure, embodying success, finding inner power and confidence, putting yourself first, creating a roadmap on how to live a fulfilling life, getting out of our own way, embodied transformation, and SO much more.

If you’ve dipped your toe into manifestation teachings in the past- my technique is a little different- I always say I'm equal parts of woo-woo neuroscience and strategy. And that's because I REALLY believe we need all three of these in order to create lasting and meaningful transformation In our lives.

Why? Because, you can do all the positive affirmations, vision boards, goal setting, and meditations in the world - But if you have underlying limiting self-beliefs that are playing like broken records in the background, then nothing is going to change.
At the same time you can be taking lots of action, and be really busy in DOING- but if you don't have a clear vision or roadmap to where you're going then you often end up like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast. SO FRUSTRATING. I help you break that cycle with practical, proven strategies, raw personal stories and lots of inspiration. I hope you'll join me!

Want (discounted) early access to my upcoming podcourse "Manifest!" ? Head over to my website to get on the email list!


About your host

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Melanie Mishler