Small Shifts, Big Impact: The Power of 1% Changes
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In today’s episode, we’re talking about something that could completely transform how you approach your goals: the power of 1% changes.
If you’ve ever felt stuck spinning your wheels—setting big goals, creating vision boards, and affirming your dreams, only to feel like nothing’s shifting—this episode is for you. I’m sharing why small, consistent actions are more powerful (and sustainable) than giant leaps and how they can help you build the solid foundation you need to manifest your big vision.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- Why New Year’s resolutions often fail without the right foundation.
- How small, 1% shifts in your habits and mindset can create massive transformation over time.
- The truth behind “overnight success” stories and why consistency is key.
- How to align your thoughts, beliefs, and habits with your goals to create lasting change.
- Practical examples of how to build sustainable systems to support your dreams.
Key Takeaways:
- “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.” — James Clear, Atomic Habits.
- Sustainable success isn’t about going “all in” overnight—it’s about showing up every day, even in the smallest ways.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
If the idea of supporting your bigger vision with small, aligned actions resonates with you, you’ll LOVE my program, Manifestation Mastery.
This program will help you:
- Rewire limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.
- Align your energy with your goals.
- Take intentional, inspired action to manifest the life and business you desire.
Doors are opening soon! Click here to join the waitlist and be the first to know when enrollment begins.
Connect With Me:
- Get free training: Vision Boards that ACTUALLY Work!
Are you ready? Let's go. Hello, friend, and welcome back to the podcast. I'm back at our California home for a couple weeks and I'm so excited to be back in my cozy cozy house. It's winter here and so nice and rainy. And let me just say, I'm still getting over being really sick from travels. So excuse the scratchy voice today, but I didn't want to miss this conversation with you because I think it's a really important one to have, but first, can you believe it's already February?
e ask you, how are those new [:Most of us start the year with huge goals or big things that we want to manifest in our life. And that's amazing. But here's what I've learned over the years. When we set those big visions with. I'll creating the foundation to support them in our lives. We usually end up spinning our wheels, feeling frustrated and just landing right back a square one.
Does that sound familiar? Let's talk about why this happens for so many people. Those big dreams and big visions are really important to have because they light us up. They give us something to hope for, to work towards. But if we don't have the systems, the habits, and the mindset to support those dreams, then they can just feel overwhelming, even though we want them.
Our nervous system goes [:And here's the truth. We don't need go big or go home energy for that foundation. Sometimes the most powerful transformations happen when we focus on the small things. The tiny, tiny little things, like the 1 percent changes we can make every day that slowly but surely step us into the life that we want to live.
ates big, flashy and instant [:And when we see this, when we're in our real life, we can think that we're not doing something right because our success probably is not going to be like that. The reality is, is most of those overnight successes that we see on Instagram and on social, they didn't really happen overnight. They happen because of small, consistent actions over time.
I want you to think about this, the woman who's running a soul aligned, successful business. She has completely different habits, beliefs, and thoughts than the woman who is stuck in self doubt, hustling for her first client and trapped in financial struggle. That soul aligned business didn't just happen on its own and it didn't just happen all at once.
r thoughts, beliefs, and our [:Just ask yourself, what's one teeny tiny shift I can make today that moves me closer to my vision, to the person that I will be in my vision, right? Because again, whatever goal you want to reach, you're going to be behaving differently. You're going to have different beliefs and thoughts when you get there.
no effort, almost like it's [:It should feel ridiculous. You should feel like this isn't going to make any difference at all. Because here's the thing about those 1 percent changes, even though they might feel small, so small. You wonder if they're making a difference over time. They compound and they add up in ways that are truly life changing.
So let's break it down. If you make a commitment to a 1 percent improvement every day, just one small shift, you'll be 37 times percent better by the end of the year. That's 37 percent times. That's not a little improvement. That is massive, massive growth. If you've read the book by James Clear, he talks about this in his book, Atomic Habits, which if you haven't read it, it's so, so good.
se he said that really stuck [:He said, you don't rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. That's why those 1 percent changes are so powerful because they're part of a system that supports your bigger vision. Without these small, consistent actions, your big goals can feel overwhelming, unattainable, or even when you get them, they're not sustainable, right?
Because what we want is long term, sustainable success that feels aligned and good and fluid in our bodies. I'll give you an example. I know this firsthand because in the past, I had the habit of going like balls to the walls when I would set a goal, right? I'd get all fired up and plan all these big things and then I'd end up burnout or giving up.
goal of waking up every day, [:And here's the thing. I'm not even a morning person. I don't even wake up early. So the goal sounded great in theory, but I completely set myself up to fail by. skipping the small, realistic, and more importantly, the sustainable changes that I needed to build that habit. So what happened instead, I would sleep in, I'd miss the gym, then I'd spiral into guilt and that guilt would turn into nasty self talk.
And then before I knew it, I was just beating myself up for like not being disciplined enough or not trying hard enough to follow through. So the beauty of these tiny 1 percent changes is that they don't overwhelm you the way that goal of going to the gym every morning at 6 a. m. did, right? They meet us where we are.
ts more weight, more energy. [:At least that's the way it works in cartoons. I don't think it really works that way in real life, but I'm just saying anyway. So when you look at your big vision, whether it's financial freedom or personal growth, a thriving business. anything, whatever it is. Remember, it's not about making a giant leap.
It's about showing up every day, even in the smallest ways, the smallest consistent ways, and trusting that those tiny steps will create something extraordinary over time. There's a quote out there. I don't know it off the top of my head, but it's something like, most people overestimate what they can do in one year and they underestimate what they can do in five years.
esting a dream relationship. [:Again, it should feel so small that it almost seems ridiculous. Like if you say, Oh, that's not going to make a difference. Then that's a good 1%. And then tomorrow you're going to do the same thing, just 1%. And then the day after that, another 1 percent and on and on and on. Because here's the thing, you don't have to have it all figured out right now.
erse in yourself that you're [:And that is where things really start to shift friend. Okay, friend, if the idea of supporting your bigger vision with small aligned actions resonates with you, I'm really excited to share something with you. Cause I'm just finishing up the beta round of my new program, Manifestation Mastery. The name is probably going to change, but that's what it is right now.
Um, this week we're finishing up and I cannot wait to open it up to more people cause the last six weeks have been amazing. Watching the breakthroughs and the shifts happen has been really, really powerful. And the best part is I'm taking all the feedback I'm receiving from this live round and I'm using it to make the program even better for next round.
et stuck in that belief that [:In this course, I teach you a method called neurosomatic manifesting. It's a process I've developed that helps you rewire your beliefs and habits that keep you stuck, align your energy with your. Goals and take intentional action. This is not about working harder or forcing things to happen. It's about creating the foundation for your vision that feels aligned and abundant and sustainable.
And friend, you know me. You know I'm equal Parts woowoo, neuroscience and strategy. So this is not your typical think positive manifestation course. I love a good vision board as much as the next person. That this program goes so much deeper. It's really a step by step process to help you bridge the gap between where you are and the full potential version of yourself that you are ready to step into.
onto limiting beliefs, like [:Even the most aligned opportunities can feel out of reach, or they can just slip through your fingers. So this program is about helping you align your energy. Rewire your subconscious mind and take inspired, intentional action, all while staying connected to your intuition, your inner guidance. I designed it to show you how to co create a life in a business that not only looks good from the outside, but is deeply soul aligned and really fulfilling on the inside.
cess that you've really been [:I can't wait to share this with you, friend. Okay. Until next week, stay well and keep manifesting an epic fucking life.