Moving From “I Don’t Know” to Deep Inner Trust
Have you ever found yourself stuck in “I don’t know” energy? That frantic, scattered feeling of uncertainty when you think about your next steps or your vision for the future? You’re not alone, friend.
In today’s episode, we’re exploring how this pattern shows up, why it keeps us stuck, and—most importantly—how to break free from it. I’ll share my personal story of moving past fear and self-doubt, practical steps to help you reconnect with your inner knowing, and how small, aligned actions can help you build trust in yourself and your vision.
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, unclear, or like it’s too late to chase your dreams, this is the episode for you.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- What “I Don’t Know” Energy Really Means:
- How fear, self-doubt, and resistance keep us stuck in uncertainty.
- Why avoiding our true desires feels safer—but ultimately keeps us from the life we want.
- The Power of Clarity and Trust:
- Why clarity is essential for manifestation and how to step into your power by owning your desires.
- The moment I realized my “I don’t know” wasn’t about not knowing—it was about fear.
- Steps to Shift Into Deep Trust:
- Step 1: Get quiet and listen. The answers are already within you.
- Step 2: Trust the first thing that comes up—your intuition speaks first and fast.
- Step 3: Take small, aligned actions to build momentum and confidence.
Key Quotes from the Episode:
- “Stop pretending you don’t want more, just because deep down you fear you can’t have more—or worse, that you don’t deserve more.”
- “When we say, ‘I don’t know,’ we’re giving away our power. Manifestation requires clarity, and the universe can’t meet us halfway if we’re not clear on what we want.”
- “Action creates momentum, and momentum builds trust. The clarity you’re searching for doesn’t come from sitting in ‘I don’t know’ energy—it comes from doing.”
Resources Mentioned:
- Manifestation Mastery Course: Join the waitlist for the next round!
- My Book: Women Who Want More
Connect with Me:
- Instagram: @melanie.mishler
- Website:
Are you ready? Let's go. Hello, friend, happy Thursday and welcome back. Okay. So this week I just finished up my first round of my manifestation mastery course and friend, it was so powerful. It was so much fun. And over the last six weeks, we went really deep. I had the honor of witnessing so many incredible shifts and breakthroughs and aha moments in the women that were in the course.
with is this tendency to get [:So today, I want to talk about this pattern. It's really, really common, especially in us women. And I want to talk about how we move from that, I don't know, energy into deep trust in ourselves. Because here's the truth. You do know deep down you already know what's right for you. You know your desires sometimes it's just about getting quiet enough and Trusting ourselves enough to hear it.
er allowed myself to imagine [:And in those moments that I don't know can actually be an invitation to explore. But most often what I see is this. I don't know as a form of resistance. It's like the default answer and it feels differently. It's fear. It's self doubt. It's really avoiding the deeper work of sitting with ourselves and asking, what's really holding me back?
Or why am I scared to say what I really want? And in these cases, the I don't know becomes a wall that we put up to protect ourselves because here's the truth. If we don't admit what we want. If we don't acknowledge it, then we don't have to risk failure or rejection or more importantly, the responsibility of owning it and making it happen in our life.
e it. I can feel it. And the [:It's a different frequency. And I actually talk about this in the first chapter of my book. About 15 years ago, I was sitting in my therapist office and she asked me a really simple question. She said, Melanie, what do you really want? And I came up completely blank. I could rattle off things that I thought I should want.
hen something happened I was [:I sat up in bed and I realized that my I don't know energy. Wasn't about not knowing it was really about fear. It was a belief that I was not worthy to want more or that I couldn't have it. It was a fear that wanting more made me ungrateful, a fear that if I really admitted my desires, I'd have to face the possibility of.
pretending I didn't know and [:So here's the thing about that energy. When we. stay in it. It just keeps us stuck. When we say, I don't know, we're giving away our power. We're disconnecting from our inner compass. And the longer we stay in this space, the harder it becomes to trust ourself, right? I was in that space for decades. I want you to think about this.
How many times have you said, I don't know. And then look to someone else for the answer. Maybe you're waiting for your partner or a friend or a coach or even the universe to come and tell you what to do. But here's the truth. No one can do that for you. You're the only one who can truly know what's right for you.
to get clear about what you [:And how can the universe meet you halfway if you're not even sure what you're asking for, right? Because, friend, the universe is waiting for us to step into our power and to ask for everything that we desire. I like to think of it like a generous grandparent who just wants to spoil you. and give you everything your heart could possibly want.
But here's the catch. You have to be brave enough to ask. So many of us don't ask for what we truly want because we're afraid. We're afraid of seeming greedy or afraid of being disappointed or afraid we don't deserve it. But the universe, it does not judge your desires. It never says, ah, that's too much.
dy. I trust that that desire [:So how do we shift out of this, especially if, if it's your default, if it's something that If you were like me who just kind of defaulted to this for decades, how do you switch out of it and go from, I don't know, to just trusting yourself deeply? Well, the first step is to get quiet. Very often what we do is we're so busy looking outside of ourself for answers that we don't give our space to hear what's already inside of us.
And friend, let me tell you. Instagram and Pinterest, they do not have the answer to what you truly want. When you're scrolling through other people's highlight reels or their vision boards, that's not going to give you clarity. The answers you're looking for are inside of you, but you have to slow down in order to listen to them.
ink it. The answer might not [:Right? You might also need to ask yourself, what am I afraid of? Because sometimes the fear of admitting what we want is louder than the desire itself. And so when we can name that fear, you take some of its power away. So I want you to trust the first thing that comes up, because here's the thing, your intuition, it speaks first and it speaks fast.
It's that first gut feeling. It's that first nudge or pull. But what happens is we tend to Second, guess it, or we overanalyze, or we start asking, well, what if I'm wrong? But what if the first thing that came up was the answer for you? So start practicing that. Start trusting the first thing that comes up and see where it takes you.
And then one thing my [:For example, let's say you have this deep desire to create a. soul aligned, successful business. You can feel it in your heart. You have a desire to do work that lights you up and serves others. But maybe every time you think about it, you go into overwhelm. You go into the, I don't know, energy. You don't know where to start, or maybe you doubt whether you're even capable of making this happen.
Maybe you feel like your time has passed, like it's too late to start something new. or to create the kind of success that you're dreaming about. And here's the thing. It's not too late. I hear women say this all the time. It's too late. Should have done it 10 years ago. No, this is the time. You don't need to have it all figured out right now.
[:How would it feel to wake up every day doing work that lights you up? How would it feel inside your body to make the impact that you've been dreaming of? From there, maybe you take small steps like hiring a coach or reaching out to a mentor or simply researching, you know, business strategies. That clarity and confidence you're seeking, it comes as you start moving towards your vision one step at a time.
l more aligned and feel more [:It comes from doing and allowing the pieces to kind of fall into place as you move forward. I want you to think about this. You can get from wherever you are right now to, let's say, San Francisco, and you don't have to know the route. You don't have to know what turns to take, what highways to take, anything.
All you have to do is know you want to go to San Francisco, stick it in your GPS. And, and it's going to take you one step at a time, one turn at a time on the path of least resistance, the fastest way to get there. That's what it's going to do. And your inner knowing is the same way. So friend, the next time you catch yourself defaulting to, I don't know, I want you to pause.
ing this as a buffer or as a [:All you need to do is to start trusting yourself. And listening to yourself, one baby step at a time. All right, friend, I hope that this resonated with you today. And if it did, I'd love to hear your thoughts, send me a message or share this with someone who might need to hear it. And if you're ready to dive deeper into this work, head over to my website and get on the waitlist for the next round of manifestation mastery.
It's going to open up in a couple months and. This time it's going to be even more powerful because I'm taking all the feedback and making it even better. Alright friend, thanks for spending time with me. Until next week, keep manifesting an epic fucking life.