Episode 14

Published on:

15th May 2024

Creating a Life You Love - The Truth About Manifestation

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Magnetic Creator Episode 4: How A Digital Detox Can Change Your Life

Hey friend, welcome back! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of manifestation, also known as deliberate creation, magnetic creation, the law of attraction, and more. This episode is all about clearing up the misconceptions and getting real about what it means to be a powerful creator. So, let’s get into it!

Understanding Manifestation

Manifestation isn’t just about “getting shit”—it’s about being creative and dreaming big. It’s about focusing on what we want to create, how we want to show up in the world, and experiencing this one beautiful life we have. It’s also about creating new patterns that support us in building a life we love, getting out of our own way, and stopping those default patterns of self-sabotage.

Breaking Down the Myths

There are a lot of teachers and influencers out there who say that if you just think positive thoughts or imagine what you want, then poof—it’s gonna come to you. I don’t agree with that crap. Manifestation involves more than just positive thinking. After studying creation and manifestation techniques for over 30 years, I’ve learned a specific method that’s what I’m going to teach in my manifestation course, and it's WAY more than just thinking positive thoughts. It requires active work and focus on our part.

The Role of Technology

We’re in a unique time in history, and as a Gen X woman, I remember life before the internet and smartphones, before we were constantly distracted. The last 20 years of technology have given us amazing things but also created a constant low-grade anxiety. We're always on edge, waiting for our phones to ping, ring, or chime. This alertness creates anxiety in our brains, and for some of us, it's high-level anxiety.

For me, this constant connectivity just had me frazzled and stressed all the time. It was hard to pinpoint the source until I did a digital detox and got off all electronics for six full weeks. Let me tell you, that changed my fucking life. If you’re interested in hearing that episode where I go DEEP into the digital detox process, I've linked that episode in show notes above.

Personal Story: Manifesting Land in Belize

Let me share my most recent fun manifestation: In January, we closed on a 4-acre piece of land in Belize next to our current home. This was the piece of property my husband and I wanted from the beginning because it’s the edge of the jungle, and we wanted to be sure it was conserved for wildlife instead of being built up.

But the owner said it wasn’t for sale and never would be. I just ignored that and, every night for over a year, I did the very specific, sensory process that I teach in my class. Even though I had never been on the land, I visualized unlocking the gate, walking through the land, down to the creek, and stepping into the water. Then, one day in December, we got a random call asking if we wanted the property, offered at a hugely reduced price.

And friend, I can't describe how amazing it felt to finally own walk on that property, knowing I had done it hundreds of times in my mind.

Creating New Patterns

While manifesting things like that piece of land is fun, the most important kind of deliberate creating is getting out of our own way and creating a life we don’t want to escape from. It’s about creating new patterns that support the life we dream of.

I was just talking to someone who said she wanted to manifest more “abundance.” Now, that’s a vague fucking term. When we chatted more, she talked about her bills, debt, and how she couldn’t afford a house. So here’s the thing—she had an abundance. It was just an abundance of what she didn’t want. When I asked her to describe what it would feel like to create what she DID want, it was hard for her to envision because she was so used to thinking about her current situation.

She was creating by default, over and over. This is common. We focus on what we see in front of us and create more of it. We create more bills, debt, and dissatisfaction with our relationships.

Shifting to Deliberate Creation

Manifesting isn’t just about “getting shit”—it’s about being creative and dreaming big. It's about focusing on what we want to create, how we want to show up in the world, and experiencing this one beautiful life we have. It’s about creating new patterns that support us in building a life we love, getting out of our own way, and stopping those default patterns of self-sabotage.

Remember, we’re creating all the time, usually by default. But it’s easy and fun to shift from default to deliberate creation, focusing our attention and energy on what we truly want.

Join the Conversation

It’s a really fun topic to explore, and I’m excited to dive into it more with my upcoming course. If you have any questions about manifestation—if you’ve heard about it or tried things like vision boards and have questions—let me know. I’d love to chat with you.

  • Episode Keywords: Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Deliberate creation, Neuroscience of manifestation, Practical manifestation methods, science-backed manifestation
Melanie Mishler:

Welcome to the Magnetic Creator podcast. I'm your host, Melanie Mishler, and each week we have intimate conversations about the things that matter most in life. My superpower is helping you remember who you truly are. A powerful, magical creator. I give you proven tools to help you get unstuck and manifest a life that sets your heart on fucking fire. Are you ready? Let's go. Hello, friend, and welcome back.

Today I want to talk about manifestation, which can also be called deliberate creation, magnetic creation, law of attraction, and a bunch of other stuff. After all, the name of this podcast is Magnetic Creator, which is all about giving you the tools to create a life filled with abundance, freedom, and joy. And just like the title implies, you are a powerful creator that is attracting things to you all the time.

attracting people, experiences, ideas, and all kinds of stuff. Now, I know this might sound really fucking woo -woo to a lot of you, but just stick with me because remember, I say this all the time, I'm equal parts woo -woo, neuroscience, and strategy, so I'll never go off in one direction too far without bringing it all together, I promise. Now friend, I know there's a lot of teachers and influencers out on the interwebs who say stuff like,

you just have to think positive thoughts or just write down what you want and put it under your pillow or just imagine and then poof, it's going to come to you. And friend, I don't agree with this at all because I've been studying creation and manifestation techniques for over 30 years. And I know there's a lot more to it than that. And I know this because I've personally created some amazing fucking shit and also some not so nice stuff, but

Every time I've manifested something, I've used a very specific, almost scientific method of doing it, which is what I'm going to teach in my manifestation course. But today, I just wanted to clear up some misconceptions because I hear people saying they want to manifest a million dollars or they wonder how they manifested a disease or something like that. They make it all about the stuff. And here's the thing. Manifestation or deliberate creation is about

Melanie Mishler:

understanding that you are a powerful creator with the ability to shape and mold your life. And then it's about using that power and knowledge to create a life you don't want to escape from. And I think right now we're in a really interesting time in history. Luckily, as a Gen X woman, I have the benefit of knowing life before all this noise, before the internet and smartphones, before we were constantly distracted.

But in the last 20 years, technology has given us some amazing things, but it's also created like this constant low -grade anxiety. We're constantly on edge waiting for our phones to ring or chime. And this alertness creates an anxiety in our brain. It actually creates neuro pathways in our brain. And for some of us, it also creates a high level anxiety, which...

I can tell you that was definitely the case for me because I'm so very sensitive and that constant connectivity just kept me frazzled and stressed all the time. But even though I was stressed all the time, it was really hard for me to pinpoint the source of it until I did a digital detox and I got off all electronics for six weeks. And let me tell you, that changed my life. And if you're interested in learning more about that, head over to my episode, Digital Detox.

where I go really deep into that. And I'll link it in show notes so you don't have to go searching for it. But anyway, the reason I bring up the use of technology is because technology often becomes a means of us escaping our life. I can't tell you how many women I talk to who spend hours, hours of every day scrolling through mindless reels on TikTok or Instagram instead of working on creating a life they actually want.

A life they actually want to show up for, where their time is valuable. So this constant connectivity also it shortens our attention spans and it makes it harder for us to focus on one thing for a long time. But here's the thing, holding our attention firmly on our desired outcome is crucial. It is probably the most crucial aspect of manifesting. And when you get skilled at it, it's really, really fun.

Melanie Mishler:

Just for fun, I'll share one of our most recent big manifestations. In January, we bought a four acre piece of land in Melis. It's right next to our current home. And friend, this piece of property was something that my husband and I wanted from the beginning because it's at the edge of the jungle and we wanted to make sure that we could conserve it for the wildlife around us instead of having it be built up. But when we first bought our home, the owner that owned this piece of

property said it wasn't for sale. It was never going to be for sale. And, you know, that was it. But I just ignored that. I totally ignored that it wasn't for sale. And every night I spent over a year, probably almost two years doing this very specific sensory process that I teach in my class. And even though I had never been on the land, I never walked the property. I visualize myself unlocking the gate.

walking through the land, down to the creek, stepping in the water, and just going over and over this beautiful land. And then finally, one day in December, we just got this random call asking if we wanted the property. And it was offered to us at a hugely discounted price. So friend, I can't describe how amazing it felt to finally own and walk on that property.

knowing I had done it hundreds and hundreds of times in my mind, in that process of walking that property in my mind over and over, it required really skilled attention. Like it, I had to be very, very focused. I couldn't be distracted while I was doing this. And while manifesting things like this piece of land is fun, the most important kind of deliberate creating is getting out of our own way.

and creating a life we don't want to escape from, one that we actually want to show up for. It's about creating new patterns that support the life we dream of. I was just talking to someone the other day that said, I want to manifest more abundance. Now, friend, abundance, that's just a vague fucking term. Like, what does that mean? So when I asked her what that meant, we chatted a little bit and all she talked about was that she had...

Melanie Mishler:

so many bills and debt and she couldn't afford a house and all of these things. So here's the thing, she did have abundance. It was just abundance of the things she didn't want. But then when I asked her to describe what it would feel like to create what she did want, it was really hard for her to envision because she was so used to thinking about her current situation. She's a creator, but she was creating by default over and over.

And this is so common. We focus on what we see in front of us and we create more of it. We create more bills, more debt, more dissatisfaction with our relationships. All right. So manifesting again, it's not about getting shit. It's about being creative and dreaming big and really holding that vision in our mind. It's about focusing on what we want to create, how we want to show up in the world and how we want to experience this one.

beautiful life that we have. It's also about creating new patterns that support us and creating and building this life. Getting out of our own way and stopping those default patterns of self -sabotage. Remember, we are creating all the time. It's just usually by default, but it's so fun and simple to go from default to deliberate creation. Now, simple, but not necessarily easy.

It does take skill, take skill to focus our attention and our energy on what we truly want. It's such a fun topic to explore and I'm excited to dive into it more with my course coming out soon. But if you have any questions about this, if you are curious or maybe you've done a vision board in the past or done tried positive affirmation, stuff like that, and they haven't worked, then reach out to me. I'd love to chat with you about it. It's one of my favorite topics. Okay, friend, I hope you found some value in this.

and I will see you next week.

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About the Podcast

Magnetic Creator
Manifest A Life That Sets Your Heart On Fire
Hello friend, welcome to the Magnetic Creator Podcast! I’m your host Melanie Mishler and my superpower is helping women remember who they truly are- POWERFUL, MAGICAL CREATORS!

I share science-backed tools to help you manifest what you want, get off the hamster wheel of life, step into your fullest potential, and create a life that sets your heart on FIRE!

I'm a manifestation teacher, energy worker, and trauma-informed somatic coach. And each week I bring you short snackable episodes 15 minutes or under. We’ll have intimate conversations about what’s most important in life: personal transformation, finding pleasure, embodying success, finding inner power and confidence, putting yourself first, creating a roadmap on how to live a fulfilling life, getting out of our own way, embodied transformation, and SO much more.

If you’ve dipped your toe into manifestation teachings in the past- my technique is a little different- I always say I'm equal parts of woo-woo neuroscience and strategy. And that's because I REALLY believe we need all three of these in order to create lasting and meaningful transformation In our lives.

Why? Because, you can do all the positive affirmations, vision boards, goal setting, and meditations in the world - But if you have underlying limiting self-beliefs that are playing like broken records in the background, then nothing is going to change.
At the same time you can be taking lots of action, and be really busy in DOING- but if you don't have a clear vision or roadmap to where you're going then you often end up like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast. SO FRUSTRATING. I help you break that cycle with practical, proven strategies, raw personal stories and lots of inspiration. I hope you'll join me!

Want (discounted) early access to my upcoming podcourse "Manifest!" ? Head over to my website to get on the email list!


About your host

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Melanie Mishler