Episode 4

Published on:

28th Feb 2024

How A Digital Detox Will CHANGE Your LIFE!

Hi Friend!  Today's podcast episode is going to be a game-changer- we're diving deep into a topic that might seem small but has the power to revolutionize your life – setting boundaries around our beloved phones and technology. Can I get an amen?

Remember those golden days, my GenX-ers, before cell phones invaded our existence? Ah, the blissful simplicity of uninterrupted dinners, movie dates, and leisurely strolls. We were fully present, soaking in every moment without the incessant ping of notifications. Oh, how I miss those days!

But alas, technology is a double-edged sword. Our phones are amazing tools, but somewhere along the line, we've let them hijack our priorities. Suddenly, every ding demands immediate attention, leaving us in a perpetual state of urgency.

Let me share something that CHANGED MY LIFE a few years ago…. I was hustling through life, juggling multiple businesses, and tethered to my phone 24/7. Sound familiar? I'd wake up to a barrage of emails and texts, feeling like I was constantly on call, yet accomplishing very little. Can you relate?

One day, I hit my breaking point and did something that changed my life. I took a six week technology sabbatical. Yes SIX weeks of no phone, computer, ipad. No pinging, dinging, rigning. None of it. Just silence. In fact, we were traveling during this six weeks and I left my devices at home so I couldn’t access them even if I wanted to. And let me tell you, it was pure magic.

Without that phone, I rediscovered the joy of being fully present, capturing moments with a camera instead of a screen and embracing the simplicity of pen and paper. And the best part? Without online shopping at my fingertips, I realized just how much less I needed.

Now, I get it – not everyone can jet off for a digital detox. But  there's a simpler way to reclaim your time and energy from the clutches of technology.

Imagine setting boundaries on your phone, and reclaiming ownership of your attention and time. It's easier than you think! I've got downtime parameters and app limits set up tighter than a drum. Between 8 p.m. and 10 a.m., only my inner circle can reach me – Andy, Mom, and my daughter.

And let me share something funny: my phone once dropped a call mid-chat because it was "downtime o'clock"! Talk about a wake-up call to the power of boundaries. I’m not suggesting you set such strict parameters… but if you do- trust me, once you taste the sweet freedom, there's no turning back.

Just think about how many hours we waste mindlessly scrolling social media.  This is time that could be spent nurturing ourselves, connecting with loved ones, or chasing our dreams. It's time to take back control friend.

A quick warning- the first week might feel like a rollercoaster of FOMO and phantom vibrations. Your brain's wired for connection, but breathe through the urge. You'll emerge on the other side with a newfound sense of calm and clarity.

So friend, I challenge you: start small, set those boundaries, and watch your life transform. And hey, if you need a hand navigating this digital detox journey, let me know- this is my happy spot. Until next time, stay present.

  • Keywords: digital detox, Overcoming phone addiction, Technology and mental health
  • Improve focus and productivity, How to set boundaries with technology, Healthy tech habits
Melanie (:

Hello, friend. Today on the podcast, we're talking about something that will drastically change your life. I promise. And even though it's a little thing, it can be really challenging to implement because, well, because we're talking about setting boundaries around your phone and technology, which we all know how hard that is. Okay. All my GenX women out there, you will remember like a glorious, glorious time back in the day before we had cell phones.

And back then, like if we were going out to dinner with a friend or going to a movie or even going on a walk, we were doing just that, right? Only that. We could be fully present in what we were doing because there was like no underlying anxiety of someone trying to reach us. We weren't multitasking. We didn't have a phone in our pocket like pinging us every few seconds to trying to get our attention. And...

Back then, if someone wanted to get a hold of you and you weren't home, they would simply leave a message. And guess what? It didn't cause a crisis or a catastrophe. They simply just left a message. But over the years, technology has become such a blessing and a curse because our phones are really great tools, but we've collectively, because.

But over the years, technology has become like both a blessing and a curse. You know, our phones are amazing tools, but we've collectively allowed little things to be high level urgent, right? We feel like a deep need to respond to a text right away or email back a client immediately or to always pick up our phone and check it when it pings.

And before the cell phone, before we had this, life just had a different quality. We were able to really be in a moment. And before the cell phone, life just had a different quality. We were able to be in a moment in a way that's really, really hard to do now. And for all my younger women who listen, it kind of breaks my heart that you don't have that embodied experience of what life was like be.

before all these distractions. Because you've grown up with this, l very normalized, but it's not normal. And I think we're really coming to a place, both scientifically and like sociologically, where we're starting to understand the damage that this has done on our nervous systems, the damage it does on our mental health, our physical health, and just our happiness scale, all of it.

So I wanna tell you a story about something that changed my life a few years ago. And you might know, as you might know, my husband and I run multiple businesses. And I had been in the practice for a really long time of having my phone with me 24 seven. I went to bed with my phone. When I woke up, the first thing I did was check my emails and texts, like before I even got out of bed. And...

I would have clients texting me at like seven in the morning or 11 at night. I'd sit down to finally work and someone would text with a random question, you know, or I would get pinged with something that wasn't really important. But I suddenly felt I had to get back to them right away. And this went on for a really long time. And I was getting to the point where I was just like frazzled all the time.

I wasn't getting any shit done. I couldn't concentrate. And I just felt like I wasn't fully present in my life. And I was, I was really stressed out like all the time. And the interesting thing is I couldn't put my finger on what was going on because I didn't have a bunch of urgent things happening. I didn't have, you know, a lot of so -called quote stress. Um, but at the same time,

Everything seemed urgent. So one day I was like, so one day I just had it and I'm like, I just got so frustrated with the pinging and the email, all of it. I'm like, fuck this shit. I'm so over this fucking phone. Right. And then I decided I'm going to take a sabbatical. I'm taking a technology sabbatical.

So Andy and I had an upcoming trip planned. We were gonna travel for six weeks all over Belize to decide where we wanted to live. Because for those of you who don't know, we live part -time in Belize and part -time in California. So anyway, so I decided during this trip, I was gonna have zero phone time. In fact, I actually left my phone at home in California so I wouldn't even be tempted to use it. Like I… had nothing. Didn't have my computer, didn't have my phone, no iPad. I had nothing. Now this took some planning, obviously, but I got it all set up so that other people would handle emails and the business and all that stuff during this time. And friend, this time without my phone, it was fucking amazing. Like if I needed to take a picture, I used my camera. If I needed to remember something, I wrote it down in a notebook.

If I needed to buy something, I went to the store and let me tell you.

And let me tell you, when you don't have access to online shopping, you suddenly need a lot less, like a lot less. So I'm telling you, the six weeks totally changed my life. I'm telling you, this six weeks completely changed my life because I was able to really be present.

and to just enjoy the texture of my life on a completely different level that I hadn't been able to do in a really long time. Now, I know this is not realistic for most people because we have kids and businesses and all that shit. So I'm not suggesting you take a sabbatical, but there is a way you can take back your time and take back your energy and protect it when it comes to technology. Because many of us are letting our phones

dictate where our attention goes and dictate what's most important to us.

But that's our job to do. Like we get to be in charge of our time and our attention. So a way to do this is to set up some downtime parameters or app limits on your phone. It's super easy to do.

It's super easy to set up your phone in a way that protects your attention and your space. So for instance, I use both downtime and app limits on my phone. And let me tell you, if any of you all try to text me between 8 p .m. and 10 a .m., you're not getting through. There is actually only...

It's really easy to set your phone up in a way that protects your attention and your time and your space. For instance, I use downtime apps.

For instance, I use downtime on my phone. And if any of you try to text me between 8 p .m. and 10 a .m., you are just straight not getting through. because there's only three people who can contact me during that time. Andy, my mom, and my daughter. That's it.

And a really funny story about this actually is that my phone is so locked down that when I first set this up, I was talking to a friend on a phone one night and all of a sudden the call dropped and I'm like, what the fuck? Like my phone just dropped the call. I went to call her back and my phone said, sorry, you can't contact this person during downtime.

And I looked at it and it was exactly eight o 'clock. So it literally just dropped my call at eight. And I couldn't call her back. I couldn't text her. So I had to wait until the next day. It was so funny. I'm now I'm not suggesting that you set your parameters up that strict, but let me tell you something. If you do, once you get used to it, it is really, really nice because your time becomes yours again. Like it's, it's so nice.

Anyway, I digress, so...

So a lot of us like we use social media. So it's really common for a lot of the women I work with to use social media to kind of like numb out at the end of the day. Like I just coached a woman who spent almost five hours a day scrolling through reels at night, like in the morning before she got up and at night. And that time is so valuable. It's your time. It's your most valuable resource.

Think about it. It's time you could be using to take care of yourself, to connect with friends, to work towards a goal you have, or just spend distraction -free time with family. So if you decide to implement this, get your time back. Okay, so if you decide to implement this and decide to try this on, okay, so if you decide to try this on,

Something really interesting happens that I want to warn you about. For the first week or so, your anxiety will probably increase a little bit because you'll feel like you're missing out or like you're missing something. You might tell yourself like, what if something happens or there's an emergency or someone can't reach me? Or you'll find yourself like wanting to reach for your phone because it's been become almost like an addiction.

But just trust me, breathe through the urge. And this is natural because our brains are designed to look for trouble and to keep us safe. And we've trained our brain to think that there's something on the phone we need, right? But I promise you, you'll be okay. No puppies will be harmed. No one will die. It will be okay. And if you stick with this,

then pretty soon your brain will start to settle and you'll enter into like a deeper level of presence in your life. And then like your nervous system will just start to settle down a bit. Your anxiety will start to ease up because you know that now you have this protected time. It's like a protected space that things are not urgent.

So I urge you to try this. It's really life changing once you get it dialed in. And you can start really easy with like putting some parameters on your phone. Like you can have it turn off from 10 at night to seven in the morning, or you can put app limits on so that instead of spending hours.

like getting lost in the social media scroll, it will shut off after an hour. You know, like start small. Another really good one to try is to get your phone out of your bedroom. Like leave it in your office or the kitchen or the bathroom anywhere but next to your bed.

That way you don't have the urge to scroll through the phone before you're going to sleep or to reach for it first thing in the morning and to get sucked into the social media scroll.

Okay, I think that's it for today. If you try this,Email me at hello at MelanieMishler .com. If you want some help implementing this, because friend, it can be hard. Trust me. Then reach out. I'd love to chat. Have a nice... All right, friend. See you next week.

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About the Podcast

Magnetic Creator
Manifest A Life That Sets Your Heart On Fire
Hello friend, welcome to the Magnetic Creator Podcast! I’m your host Melanie Mishler and my superpower is helping women remember who they truly are- POWERFUL, MAGICAL CREATORS!

I've developed and teach neuro-somatic manifesting. Science-backed tools to help you manifest what you want, get off the hamster wheel of life, step into your fullest potential, and create a life that sets your heart on FIRE!

I'm a manifestation teacher, energy worker, and trauma-informed somatic coach. And each week I bring you short snackable episodes 15 minutes or under. We’ll have intimate conversations about what’s most important in life: personal transformation, finding pleasure, embodying success, finding inner power and confidence, putting yourself first, creating a roadmap on how to live a fulfilling life, getting out of our own way, embodied transformation, and SO much more.

If you’ve dipped your toe into manifestation teachings in the past- my technique is a little different- I always say I'm equal parts of woo-woo neuroscience and strategy. And that's because I REALLY believe we need all three of these in order to create lasting and meaningful transformation In our lives.

Why? Because, you can do all the positive affirmations, vision boards, goal setting, and meditations in the world - But if you have underlying limiting self-beliefs that are playing like broken records in the background, then nothing is going to change.
At the same time you can be taking lots of action, and be really busy in DOING- but if you don't have a clear vision or roadmap to where you're going then you often end up like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast. SO FRUSTRATING. I help you break that cycle with practical, proven strategies, raw personal stories and lots of inspiration. I hope you'll join me!

Want (discounted) early access to my upcoming podcourse "Manifest!" ? Head over to my website to get on the email list!


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Melanie Mishler