Manifestation is Like Building a House—Here’s How to Lay the Right Foundation
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Episode Title: Building Your Dream Life: Manifestation is Just Like Building a House
In today’s episode of the Magnetic Creator Podcast, I’m diving deep into the powerful analogy of how building a house is just like manifesting your dream life. From my own experience of building a micro resort in Belize, I’m going to walk you through the essential steps of manifestation—whether you’re creating your dream career, attracting your ideal relationship, or bringing any of your desires to life.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Manifestation and Vision: Just like a house needs a blueprint, your dreams need a clear vision. I share how every detail of your dream life exists in your mind before it takes physical shape.
- Choosing the Right Materials: Your beliefs, habits, and actions are the materials you’re using to manifest your dreams. In this episode, I explain why it’s crucial to build with confidence and trust, not fear or doubt.
- Creating a Blueprint for Your Dream: I’ll show you how to break down your big vision into actionable steps, and why it's important to adjust your plan as you go.
- The Courage to Tear Down and Rebuild: Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. I share a personal story about a friend who had to tear down her dream home and rebuild it with better materials. This is a lesson you can apply to your own life when things aren’t working out.
Takeaways from today’s episode:
- Desire and Vision: What do you truly want to create? Let’s dive into the first step of manifesting your dream life.
- Materials Matter: Just like a house, the materials you build your dream life with (your beliefs and actions) matter. Make sure they’re solid!
- A Blueprint for Action: Learn how to break your vision into steps and take meaningful actions that align with your dreams.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Rebuild: If something isn’t working, you have the power to start over and make it better. It’s not failure; it’s just part of the journey.
If this episode resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you! Send me a message, share this with a friend, and don’t forget to subscribe. Let’s keep manifesting our epic lives together.
Connect with me:
Instagram: @melanie.mishler
Are you ready? Let's go. Hello, my beautiful friend. Welcome back to the podcast. I am so happy to talk about today's episode because we're talking about how building a house is just like manifestation and stick with me because you know, I love analogies. But as many of you know, Andy and I are in the process of building our micro resort down in Belize and it's such a beautiful place.
s and designers to bring our [:We could imagine the texture of the floors beneath our feet, the color of the paint on the walls, cool touch of the tile. We even knew how the sunlight would filter through the windows and what it would feel like to sit there and look out them. All of that. Every single detail existed in our minds before the builders ever picked up a single tool.
you think about it. Building [:You imagine what you want, you dream about how it will look, how it will feel, and then you create a detailed blueprint. And that blueprint, it starts to get refined and perfected before the building starts to take shape and come to life. And manifestation works exactly the same way. Because it doesn't matter what you're creating, whether it's a home, a career, financial freedom, an incredible relationship, the steps are always the same.
You have to have a desire inside of you to build something or to create something. Then you imagine it, you vision it, you plan it, you take action and you trust. And this idea Hey. Hey. isn't new by any means. It's as old as time. I want you to just look around you right now. And every single thing you see around you, it was a first created in someone's mind.
didn't just poof, like come [:They talked a lot about the parallels between manifestation and building a house. Charles Hanel described how an architect creates a mental blueprint before a single brick is laid, and Neville Goddard taught that the imagination is a workshop where you create the life that you want. And friend, it's not just manifestation teachers that talk about the importance of creating images in your mind first.
world. And it's true. Every [:So in today's episode, I'm going to share with you how this metaphor can help you approach manifestation with clarity and confidence, because just like building a house, you are the architect of your life and you have the power to create something really extraordinary. So step one is desire and vision because everything starts with a vision and that vision is.
Fueled from a desire. So before you can build anything, whether it's a house, a career, your dream relationship, you have to know what you want. This is the foundation. When Andy and I started planning the micro resort, we didn't just think about how it would look. We thought about how it would feel. We envision ourself walking through the cabanas, feeling the texture of the floors, hearing the sounds of nature, and imagining just all the excitement of welcoming guests there.
And this [:And very often I, I see women do this. because there's this energy of what if it doesn't happen or what if I don't have what it takes to create this or who am I to want this? But friend, let me tell you, you are worthy of any dream that you have. And I always tell people, dream bigger than you've ever dreamed before.
Give yourself permission to imagine it, close your eyes and really picture it and write it down. Let yourself get excited because The vision is a foundation for everything that you're going to build. And then once you have that vision, the next step is in choosing materials you're going to build and think about it.
u use cheap flimsy wood that [:Are you building with confidence and trust and love or are you letting fear and doubt and limiting beliefs kind of lead the show. And, um, I always love sharing this cause this reminds me of a story about my dear friend. She had been dreaming about building her perfect home in Belize for years, and she had this vision in her mind of what it would look like.
tled into her house in like, [:But then as the house started to go up, she noticed that something wasn't quite right. The wood that they were using, it wasn't the high quality hardwood that she planned for that they use. It was a completely different standard of wood than hardwood. And one day she invited me to the building site. And when she showed me the wood, I was like, I was completely blown away.
I couldn't believe what she was showing me. The wood, it wasn't just bad. It was horrible. It felt like. phone board. It was cheap and flimsy and it had been like, I don't know, infested with termites or something. And you could literally snap it with your hands in half. I remember picking up the wood and thinking, is this a fucking joke?
, you know what she did? She [:Yeah, she tore the whole house down that had started to build. I mean, they had the frame and all kinds of stuff up and she started completely over. It wasn't easy for her. It costs time, it costs money, it costs a whole lot of stress. But she knew that if she wanted to have her dream home stand the test of time, she couldn't settle for subpar materials.
She couldn't work with that builder who was not aligned with her vision. And she refused to let her vision be compromised by cutting corners or accepting anything less than the best. And friend, this is a great story because the same thing goes for your life. If you are building your dream on a foundation of fear and self doubt or surrounded by people who don't believe in you.
g out on yourself, if you're [:You're sabotaging the very dream that you're trying to build. You can't expect a masterpiece if you're only willing to invest in scraps. I want you to really think about this. You knowingly, you would not build your house with materials that you knew were crap. Of course not. So why would you let Fear, negativity, and half hearted effort creep into the foundation of your dream life or the soul aligned business that you're building.
Sometimes investing in yourself, in your beliefs, your habits, your mindset, it requires courage. It means walking away from people or situations that no longer serve you, and it might also mean Tearing down what isn't working and starting fresh, just like my friend did with her house. Now, this isn't always an easy process.
d willingness to look really [:Whatever it is, You have the power to replace it with something stronger with better materials, beliefs that empower you, habits that support you and actions that are aligned with the vision that you're bringing into life. Because here's the truth, the time and the energy that you put into building with the right materials will always be worth it.
Because when you build with strength, integrity and love, you will create something that stands the test of time. So let me ask you, what materials are you using to build your dream life? Are they strong? Are they empowering? Are they aligned with your vision? Or are they something that you need to tear down and rebuild?
. In fact, every room, every [:And your dream life needs a blueprint too. This is where you take your vision and you break it down into actionable steps. What needs to happen first? What resources or skills do you need to gather? What small actions can you take today or tomorrow to move you closer to your dream? And just like a house.
Your blueprint doesn't need to be perfect from the start. Plans can change. You, you might realize along the way that you need to adjust or refine certain parts of your vision, and that's okay. When we were designing the first cabana, which is being built right now, we were constantly working with our builder and.
ht. We'd stop and look at it [:And that's okay. It's just part of the journey. So sometimes you don't realize what you truly need until you experience what doesn't work. The truth is, no matter how much planning you do, you're going to keep learning along the way. You'll see things you didn't anticipate. You'll need to pivot, tweak, or even start over in some areas, but that's not failure.
It's part of the process. It's how you breathe. Find your vision and improve with every step. One of my teachers used to say, sometimes it's good to live in a house with small closets, so you realize that you need a house with more or bigger closets, and isn't that the truth? Sometimes things that feel like a mistake or inconveniences or actually just lessons to help us refine our vision and get clear on what we want.
s do I need to adopt to stay [:You can think about what you want, but you don't make progress because you don't know where to start. And so a plan starts to transform your vision. from a wish into something tangible. And I've seen many women get stuck in this dreaming phase for decades because they haven't taken the time to really hone in and really get clear and create that blueprint about what they want.
And remember, it doesn't have to be perfect. It's okay to be messy. It will get refined along the way. So friend, just like building a house, creating your dream life, you're creating your soul aligned business or whatever it is that you want to create. It starts with a few things, a desire, a clear vision and a solid blueprint.
ong materials or following a [:You have the power to create anything you desire. And if you have a desire in you, then that means it's meant for you. You already have everything inside of you to bring it to fulfillment, to create it is just about unlocking that. So, alright friend, thanks so much for spending the time with me today. If this episode resonated with you, I'd love to hear from you.
Send me a message. Definitely share this with a friend if you know they would love to hear it. And until next time, keep manifesting an epic life.