Episode 26

Published on:

5th Sep 2024

Knowing vs. Doing in Manifestation

In this episode, I explore the critical difference between knowing and doing in the context of manifestation. I challenge the common belief that "knowledge is power" and discuss why action is the true catalyst for change in our lives.

Key points I cover:

  1. The distinction between knowledge as potential power and action as real power.
  2. An analogy comparing knowledge to a car's engine and action to its fuel.
  3. Three main obstacles preventing action:
  • Negative self-talk
  • Overwhelm
  • Fear
  1. The importance of consistent action in manifestation practices.
  2. Why expecting instant results can derail our manifestation efforts.

Strategies I share to bridge the gap:

  1. Starting with micro-actions: Beginning with just two minutes of practice daily.
  2. Creating a manifestation routine: Pairing practice with existing daily habits.
  3. Taking inspired action: Doing one small thing to move towards your vision after visualizing.

I also share a personal story about my transition from photography to coaching and the importance of taking action to gain clarity.

My call to action for listeners: Identify one small action you can take this week based on your existing knowledge of manifestation.

Key takeaway: You don't need to have everything figured out to get started. Taking that first small step in your manifestation journey can lead to significant changes.

Get free bonus content at: www.MelanieMishler.com

Instagram: @melanie.mishler


Are you ready? Let's go. Let's go. Hello, my beautiful friend, welcome back and happy Thursday. I took last week off to soak in the last bit of August. So I hope you had a great week and I'm really excited to be back today. So today we're going to talk about the difference between knowing and doing and how this relates specifically to manifestation.

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information sitting in our brains. It's basically latent energy or potential power, but it doesn't actually change anything in our lives or the world around us. And I'll give you a little analogy since y'all know I love analogies. It's almost like having a car. Knowledge is the engine of that car. It's essential.

It's powerful. And it has the potential to take you places. But here's the thing. Action is the fuel. And without fuel, you're not going anywhere. It doesn't matter how powerful of an engine you have. So this applies to all areas of life. And when we're talking about manifestation, it gets real. You might ask yourself, Why aren't things changing?

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They know exactly what needs to be done to achieve their goals, But they struggle to put that knowledge and into practice and take action. And to be completely honest, I still struggle with this too. It's part of being human. So why do we often fail to take action? Even small little actions that will move us towards what we want or put our knowledge to use.

I'm going to walk you through the top three things that hold most people back from taking action. The first one is negative self talk. Now I'll keep with a car analogy here because it really works for this. Negative self talk is almost like having a faulty fuel gauge in your car that always reads near empty, even when you have plenty of gas.

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The sheer number of options and the potential consequences of each choice just keep you stuck at the pump, unable to make a decision. But here's the thing. In most cases. Any fuel is better than no fuel. It's better to choose something and start driving rather than remain stranded and paralyzed at the station, right?

So this is where tiny, tiny actions make a big difference. Number three, a big one is fuel. Fear. Fear is like having your foot constantly hovering over the brake pedal. It's almost like you've got a full tank of gas, your engine's running, the road ahead is clear, but there's this nagging fear that keeps you from fully pressing the accelerator.

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Remember, your car's brakes are designed for safety, not for permanent slowing, just like our fears are meant to protect us. Now, let's talk a little bit about manifestation. We've all heard about the law of attraction, visualization techniques, and affirmations. And you might know these tools inside and out.

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Think about it. Like, I know how to lose weight and get in shape. You probably do too. But how many of us struggle with actually doing it consistently, right? The truth is manifestation isn't about knowing the principles. It's about living them. It's about taking consistent, aligned action with our desires.

It's about making those visualizations and that focus a regular part of our daily routine. But here's where many of us falter. We expect. Instant results. And then when we don't see immediate changes, we get discouraged and fall back into old patterns. We forget that manifestation is a practice, not a one time event.

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And vice versa. If we're constantly feeling scarcity, but saying affirmations of abundance, it's the same thing. So how do we bridge this gap between knowing and doing when it comes to our goals and manifestations? Here's a few strategies that I have found helpful in my own life. One is to start with micro actions.

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Number two is to create a manifestation routine. Pair your manifestation practice with something that you already do daily, like Brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee. And this helps to integrate manifestation into your daily life, making it a habit rather than a chore. And number three is to take inspired action after your visualization or affirmation practice, ask yourself, what's one thing I can do today to move towards this vision.

And then do it. This bridges the gap between your thoughts and the physical world and it aligns your actions with your desires. So remember these small, consistent actions are the fuel that powers your manifestation engine. By focusing on these three strategies, you're setting yourself up for success in turning your knowledge into action.

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So. Even though I had over 15 years of prior experience as a somatic therapist, I had been out of that world for like over a decade. So I told my coach, I think I need to go back to school and get another master's degree or take more classes. And my amazing coach Piper reminded me that clarity comes from action.

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Reading or listening. Remember, taking action creates a positive feedback loop. Every time you step towards your goal, you learn something new about yourself and your capabilities. Much of the time, you don't actually need more knowledge. You just need tiny little actions. So the next time you catch yourself thinking, I know how to do this.

Why isn't this working? I want you to pause and ask yourself, am I consistently doing? What I know, because my friend, this is where the magic of manifestation happens. Knowing is great. Having knowledge is great, but applying that knowledge and doing is what life is all about. Okay, friend, I would love to hear from you about this.

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You've got this and I'll see you next week.

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About the Podcast

Magnetic Creator
Manifest A Life That Sets Your Heart On Fire
Hello friend, welcome to the Magnetic Creator Podcast! I’m your host Melanie Mishler and my superpower is helping women remember who they truly are- POWERFUL, MAGICAL CREATORS!

I share science-backed tools to help you manifest what you want, get off the hamster wheel of life, step into your fullest potential, and create a life that sets your heart on FIRE!

I'm a manifestation teacher, energy worker, and trauma-informed somatic coach. And each week I bring you short snackable episodes 15 minutes or under. We’ll have intimate conversations about what’s most important in life: personal transformation, finding pleasure, embodying success, finding inner power and confidence, putting yourself first, creating a roadmap on how to live a fulfilling life, getting out of our own way, embodied transformation, and SO much more.

If you’ve dipped your toe into manifestation teachings in the past- my technique is a little different- I always say I'm equal parts of woo-woo neuroscience and strategy. And that's because I REALLY believe we need all three of these in order to create lasting and meaningful transformation In our lives.

Why? Because, you can do all the positive affirmations, vision boards, goal setting, and meditations in the world - But if you have underlying limiting self-beliefs that are playing like broken records in the background, then nothing is going to change.
At the same time you can be taking lots of action, and be really busy in DOING- but if you don't have a clear vision or roadmap to where you're going then you often end up like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast. SO FRUSTRATING. I help you break that cycle with practical, proven strategies, raw personal stories and lots of inspiration. I hope you'll join me!

Want (discounted) early access to my upcoming podcourse "Manifest!" ? Head over to my website to get on the email list!


About your host

Profile picture for Melanie Mishler

Melanie Mishler