Episode 6

Published on:

13th Mar 2024

Increase Your Intuition In 3 Easy Steps

Hi Friend! In today's episode, we're exploring the remarkable power of intuition – that inner voice that connects us to a deeper wisdom beyond the everyday noise and confusion. It's about tapping into our inherent ability to sense and know things beyond logical reasoning, a skill I believe is our most extraordinary asset.

The Challenge with Intuition

Despite intuition being a natural part of us, many have been conditioned to doubt or ignore it. This skepticism towards our gut feelings can lead us to question our own experiences and truths. Today, I'm sharing three straightforward strategies to not only reconnect with this inner sense but to strengthen it.

My Intuition Journey

Looking back at my own story, intuition has been a silent companion from the start. As a kid, I was pretty tuned in, sensing things before they happened. But like many of us, I grew up in a world where that inner voice was often brushed aside or outright contradicted. We've all been there, told to ignore that gut feeling or that something we felt deeply was just not right. This disconnect from trusting our own senses is a common thread in many of our stories, showing just how easy it is to drift away from listening to ourselves.

Then, not too long ago, something clicked for me that really brought it all home. I had this intense dream about an earthquake, and bam, it actually happened shortly after waking up. You'd think that would be a wake-up call, right? But when I shared my excitement about this intuition win, it got shrugged off as just a fluke. It hit me then how differently we treat these moments of intuition in men vs. women.

Strengthening Your Intuition

I've laid out three simple steps to enhance your intuitive abilities:

  1. Recollection: Reflect on past moments when you've felt that intuitive nudge. What did it feel like? Remembering these instances reawakens our awareness and acceptance of our intuitive capacity.
  2. Intention: Setting a clear intention to be open to more intuitive moments primes our mind and spirit to receive and recognize these insights.
  3. Creating Space: In our fast-paced world, finding moments of quiet and stillness is crucial. It's not about carving out a physical space but making room internally to listen and feel. Whether it's during a quiet walk, a peaceful shower, or the moments before sleep, these pauses allow us to connect with our inner wisdom.

A Universal Gift

What's truly exciting is that intuition is accessible to everyone. By embracing these practices, you'll begin to notice more moments of intuitive clarity. Think of it as exercising a muscle – with patience and practice, it becomes stronger and more reliable.

Join the Conversation

If this episode sparked a light within you, I encourage you to share it with someone who might also find value in our conversation. And for those eager to dive deeper into this journey, subscribe by visiting my website at melaniemishler.com, where I share more intimate insights and resources.

Until next time, remember: your intuition is a profound source of guidance, waiting for you to rediscover and embrace its power. See you soon.

Melanie Mishler:

Welcome to the Magnetic Creator podcast. I'm your host, Melanie Mishler, and each week we have intimate conversations about the things that matter most in life. My superpower is helping you remember who you truly are. A powerful, magical creator. I give you proven tools to help you get unstuck and manifest a life that sets your heart on fucking fire. Are you ready? Let's go. Hey friend, welcome back.

Today I'm excited to talk about some simple tools to help you strengthen your intuition. And I think this is important because quite frankly, friend, I think intuition is our greatest superpower. It gives us direct access to internal wisdom that's just beyond all the brain chatter and all the noise of the world. But here's the thing, most of us have been socialized and taught to either doubt ourselves or question our inner knowing.

And sometimes we're even told that our intuition is just straight up wrong. So today I'm going to give you three easy steps to help you increase that inner knowing. But first, let me give you an example of how we're conditioned to disconnect or tune it out. And of course, I'm going to share a personal example since I'm always sharing personal stuff here. But the reason is because quite frankly, if I can access my intuition, then you surely can too.

So for me, from a really young age, I was a very intuitive child. And all of us are intuitive as children. You might not remember it, but you were too. But for me, growing up, I experienced a lot of trauma. It was physical, emotional, and spiritual. It was all of it combined. And I share this only because so often people who experience trauma have a more heightened intuitive sense. It's a really common experience.

So as a child, maybe because of this trauma, I don't know, I just had a heightened experience of just knowing and sensing things. Like, for instance, if there was going to be a conflict in our home, I would sense it before it even happened. I could feel it in my body. But then when I would bring this up to the adults, like to my parents, I was always told, no, everything's fine. Everything's okay. It's all good. Don't worry.

Melanie Mishler:

And this happened over and over and over again. So this dance would happen where my body and my senses would tell me one thing and then my caretakers would tell me something else. And I'm not saying this to shame my parents because this is really, really common. I'm even embarrassed to say that I did the same thing with my own daughter when she was growing up. If there was any kind of fight or tension between her dad and I, which there was,

all the time, I would just tell her everything's okay. And obviously, my intention was not to, to numb her inner knowing my intention was to protect her. But sadly, I know now that what happens over time, as children is that they're trained to dull out or question that inner sense. Now, let's fast forward to being an adult. And here's something that just recently happened last year. I had a dream and

As you all know, I'm a really intense dreamer, but I woke up and my dream was that there was an earthquake. And when I woke up like an hour later, there actually was an earthquake. And so I got really excited, not because of the earthquake, but because I told Andy, my God, my dreams are spot on. I'm so tapped in right now. And he said, love, that's just a coincidence.

Now here's the thing, friend, I don't mean to throw Andy under the bus, but when a man has a hunch about something that turns out to be accurate, he's celebrated for it. People are like, wow, we need to let you take the lead more. We need to listen to you more. That's a great hunch. But when a woman's intuition is correct, it's just kind of dismissed as, eh, that's just a coincidence. And so those are just a couple of the ways that we've systematically been taught to.

dull out this sense. There are countless other ways, but I think these are the two most common that I see. So some people will ask, well, what exactly is our intuition and how do we exactly access or get this information? And you know, honestly, I'm going to say that I don't believe anyone actually really knows because neuroscience will try and explain it one way. Cognitive psychology would have another explanation.

Melanie Mishler:

semantics will explain it in a completely different way. And energy work has a completely different way. And to be honest, I've studied it a lot, but I don't care so much about the explanation. I just care about the fact that this is our fucking superpower and we have the access to strengthen it and to utilize it. So I'm more interested in learning how to develop it than learning the science behind it, if that makes sense. And a lot of times when I'm working with women, they'll say,

that they don't have access to this, but we all do. It's something that's built into us as a human. And you can probably finish these sentences. I got a strange feeling in my gut. When I met that person, I got chills. Or you might've had the experience of thinking about someone right before they call you. Or maybe you just knew something, but there was no explanation for how you knew it.

That's your intuition at work. And it's important to understand that this is an embodied experience. It's really in our ability to sense the world and the energy around us. So how do we strengthen it? I teach a more in -depth class on this, but here are three simple steps to get you started. The first one is to remember. I want you to remember a time in your life when you had an experience with your intuition.

It could have been a time when you just knew something, had one of those gut feelings, a time you met someone and got those chills, or even a dream. Anything like that. Just take a moment to remember the experience and ask yourself, what did it feel like in your body? What do you remember sensing? What did you notice? By remembering this, it's going to activate this part of our brain that's saying, yes, this is part of me. This...

is something I have access to and remember experiencing. So the second step is to set an intention. You're setting your intention to just simply receive more of these moments. And just like anytime you wanna reach a goal or create something, we first have to decide and set the intention. And this is also gonna set our brain into that receptive mode. So the third step is where the like exercise part comes in.

Melanie Mishler:

And that is that we want to create space and spend time being quiet. And when I say create space, I don't mean a location. I don't mean set up a meditation room or anything like that. I mean, we need to create space inside our head, inside our bodies, inside our systems. So many of us are just busy, busy, busy all the time. We're rushing from one thing to the next, and we don't take the time to be quiet, to listen, because...

every last ounce of space is just taken up with noise. Whether it's noise from our families, our job, advertising, social media, Netflix, the news, like all those things are just filling in space. And I know for me, I have this tendency for even when I do have the time in space to have this quiet time, I tend to want to fill it up with noise like.

My favorite thing to do is when I go on a walk, I want to turn on a true crime murder podcast. Do not judge me for that. It's my thing. Or I want to put on an audio book or something. I just kind of want to fill that space. But the thing is, with our intuition, we have to be in our bodies and kind of in this receptive mode in order to access it. Because again, it's a somatic experience. It's a felt sense. So with this creating space,

You can start small. For instance, if you're going on a walk, just give yourself five minutes of quiet time before turning on your podcast or your audio book. Another great time is in the shower. For me, there's something amazing about being in the water. I tend to get my best intuitive hits in the shower or in the bath. Another great time is before you drift off to bed at night, just taking a couple of deep breaths.

with intention, like with the intention of being receptive and quiet. These are just a few simple tips. There are a lot more ways I work with women to help them increase this capacity, but this is a really great basic starting point. And here's a really exciting thing that it doesn't matter where you are right now. Like if you are in tune with it or not, we all have equal access to this. I promise that once you start to listen,

Melanie Mishler:

and to practice these tools, to slow down a little bit and have some time where you're in your body, you'll begin to experience it again. And it's really fun because you have the same access to it as I do. It's totally universal. You can dull the sense, but you can't take it away. Just the same way as like, if you stopped using your muscles, if you were just bedridden, your muscles would atrophy, but they're still there. They're just...

waiting for you to go to physical therapy and start reworking them and rebuilding them. This is the same thing. This is a physical therapy for your intuition. Okay, friend, I hope you found something in this episode that inspired or delighted you. If so, please subscribe and share it with a friend. And don't forget to head over to my website and get on my email list. That's where I share all the good and really personal stuff. It's melanniemichler .com. See you soon.

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About the Podcast

Magnetic Creator
Manifest A Life That Sets Your Heart On Fire
Hello friend, welcome to the Magnetic Creator Podcast! I’m your host Melanie Mishler and my superpower is helping women remember who they truly are- POWERFUL, MAGICAL CREATORS!

I share science-backed tools to help you manifest what you want, get off the hamster wheel of life, step into your fullest potential, and create a life that sets your heart on FIRE!

I'm a manifestation teacher, energy worker, and trauma-informed somatic coach. And each week I bring you short snackable episodes 15 minutes or under. We’ll have intimate conversations about what’s most important in life: personal transformation, finding pleasure, embodying success, finding inner power and confidence, putting yourself first, creating a roadmap on how to live a fulfilling life, getting out of our own way, embodied transformation, and SO much more.

If you’ve dipped your toe into manifestation teachings in the past- my technique is a little different- I always say I'm equal parts of woo-woo neuroscience and strategy. And that's because I REALLY believe we need all three of these in order to create lasting and meaningful transformation In our lives.

Why? Because, you can do all the positive affirmations, vision boards, goal setting, and meditations in the world - But if you have underlying limiting self-beliefs that are playing like broken records in the background, then nothing is going to change.
At the same time you can be taking lots of action, and be really busy in DOING- but if you don't have a clear vision or roadmap to where you're going then you often end up like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast. SO FRUSTRATING. I help you break that cycle with practical, proven strategies, raw personal stories and lots of inspiration. I hope you'll join me!

Want (discounted) early access to my upcoming podcourse "Manifest!" ? Head over to my website to get on the email list!


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Melanie Mishler